Sunday, March 22, 2015

My love/hate relationship with Science Fair

I love science fair, I do.  I love watching my students succeed and put their heart into their work.  I strongly dislike when they become stressed out or when they try SO hard, and then don't win.  Here is a look at some of my favorite boards from this years school fair.
Hallway 1
The rest of hallway 1.
A computer science project designed to find the most profitable properties of Monopoly.
Can ear lobe creases be used to predict high cholesterol?
How do different colored night lights effect your deep sleeping patterns?
Are women more likely to go into labor during a full moon?
How do different types of cholocolate affect your heart rate?
Can a homemade parabolic receiver work as well as one printed from a 3-D printer?

Are children more likely to look like their grandparents or parents?

How do glucose rates vary in common fruits?

How do burn rates vary in different types of wood?

How does human urine effect the growth of grass?
How does the weather effect the colors you see in a sunset?

And that oh, so classic trebuchet project!  How does the mass of the counterweight effect the throwing distance of a trebuchet?

Our school fair is over, the very first of which I was in charge.  Time to start planning for next year!